Things I’d Like…

Things I'd Like

Things I’d Like

Things I’d like:

I’d like a perfume that smells like basil, come on, who doesn’t like basil…

I would like to have known my grandparents when I was an adult.

I’d like everyone to experience the ocean.

At times, I’d like to return to a corded telephone.

I’d like, at 5’3”, to have more leg room on airplanes – I feel for you tall people.

I’d like to have more of an open-mind.

If I ever lose one of these senses, I’d like to always remember the voices of my children and singing birds, the smell of pork chops frying in my mom’s kitchen, seeing the beauty of a sunset and how it feels to hold hands.

I’d like my hairdresser to be a live-in.

I’d like the whole world to stop hating and smile for one whole day; just one day.

I’d like people to look inside their very own bubble and see what they can fix instead of popping everyone else’s bubble by trying to fix them.

I’d like butter to always be soft.

I’d really like people to stop thinking red lights are only a suggestion.

I’d like my GPS to talk to me and say “Really dingle-butt, you chose to turn there instead of listening to me”?

I’d like my family to live within driving distance to each other – a distance that takes less than a day to drive or fly.

I’d love for every human to recognize that there is a greater Being than our own little human bodies, or our selfies, or social media or our paychecks. A Being that is so full of Love, He sacrificed His child to prove how much He Loved us. A Being that resides in our souls and looks out our eyes and thinks when we say or do things “Yep, that’s what I’m about!” or “Nope, didn’t teach her that…”  Well at least that’s what I’d like to believe…

Happy Easter and Grateful for you and chocolate bunnies,


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