Yesterday I prayed to God to find the leak in a client’s upstairs patio. I didn’t make any deals with Him like I had when they found my tumor, I just said…
“God, could You please help me out with this leak, I’d really appreciate it…”
I know that from a prayer priority standpoint my request was definitely at the bottom. But hey, I had to put it out there!
I got the call – the flood test on the patio once again produced the ever elusive drip. Tearing up I went right for “my very own” juggler! I am the WORSE designer in, not just the world, but the whole universe.
I seriously feel like a Dickens character standing next to my client’s wallet saying, “Please, [ma’am] I want some more [$$].” She’s recently had two strokes which I believe I’ve given her, as I am unable to FIND THE ANNOYING LEAK!
Before you say it, I do take this all personally because the individuals I’ve hired have failed over and over. Even though they were referrals, had great reviews and really seemed to care until they could not find the leak, they merely suggested a lot of band-aids for the problem but no solution. Then there are the questions that haunt me like – Did the client need the new roof for the patio leak, because I believed the contractor when he said it. Did she need the two new drains installed in the patio to prevent the leak, because I believed the plumber when he said it. Why didn’t the sealed and re-tiled patio prevent the leak? Did she need a new patio door – well that one I actually did see it leak, but yet the damn trickle continues.
In five years I’ve had four to five contractors, a roofer, a plumber, a stucco guy, a tile guy and a structural engineer. They all looked for this fricking leak but yet the clear and mighty liquid prevailed.
After making calls and feeling sorry for myself I devoured Oreos and potato chips to deaden the pain. I researched and re-read the engineers notes. I thought, how could such a small request to God go unanswered? Because you know in the scheme of things this was such a “big deal”…
Intellectually I knew, of course, it wasn’t a life or death situation or a threat to national security; but emotionally I felt I had failed her yet again.
Today I decided to walk a couple miles to clear my head. I was trying not to think about the upcoming meeting I will be having with her next week. I walked in my favorite park with squirrels and newborn geese. Although it was peaceful, the problem hung over me like the California marine layer in May.
When I left the park I walked by a sidewalk that was NOT written on when I entered.

I walked to my car with a tear in my eye and said “Thank You, got it.” Prayer answered… It may not have solved the leak issue but did solve mine!
Grateful for you,
🙏🙏 YOU & GOD will figure it out🙏🙏💕
Chalk that one up as a blessing! ❤️
( literally)
Love you friend, you got this!
Ha ha!!
What about a carpenter? Just a thought! And, of course, you and your life, family, and career are noticed by many especially by GOD Who doesn’t always appear to hear let alone answer our prayers. Perseverance and humility are great buddies when answers appear to be out of your reach.
Thanks Dianna! I believe God always hears us but the answers aren’t always what we want or expect. But having that unwavering faith becomes the soft landing place we might need at the end of the day… xoxo
…and THATS the bottom line………Love You!