Reminder about Gratitude

As I headed home from a trip a few weeks ago, I was once again given a reminder about gratitude.  I noticed a bit of a cold coming on, when WHAM, I needed to buy stock in the tissue industry!  No it wasn’t the flu, or viral meningitis and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Ebola since I’m still here to write this.  I just ran myself down and my body was reminding me who I hadn’t been taking care of – me. As I snuggled on the sofa  with tissues in hand and watched reruns upon reruns of, Castle and Bones, I remembered what I used to tell my children.  When difficult things happen we should appreciate them, yes appreciate the difficulty — because those difficult times remind us how great we feel when they ARE NOT happening to us! What timing since we are heading into a big ‘ole holiday of thankfulness!!!

  • So I’m grateful I’ve stopped sneezing and when I’m stopped on the freeway for an extra 45 minutes due to an accident, I’m appreciative that it wasn’t me IN the accident.
  • I’m thankful I have food in my cabinets and how lucky I am to be able to give an extra dollar or two to the individual standing at the entrance of a fast food chain.
  • The simple act of taking a warm shower in my home instead of washing up in the sink at a Circle K, is a blessing that I need to be grateful for daily.
  • I am blessed to have a pillow, blanket and bed compared to the autos, underpasses and river beds where many families sleep.

Thankful for these two…

With that said I just had a brilliant idea — why not blend Thanksgiving and Christmas into one ginormous holiday of thanks and love and giving and glitter?  Like Thanksmas or Christgiving?  It may catch on and turn into a full year of thanks and love and giving and glitter.  It could happen….

Grateful for you, my family and a holiday to remind us to be Thankful,


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