So, about creating and getting help with this Blog…
There is SO MUCH information available in the www, http, .com world that it’s truly overwhelming. I just wanted to find a place to share my insights and in doing so, down the rabbit hole I fell. I was amazed how much information I pulled was SO outdated, (2008, 2009, 2011…), when all I wanted was the current year 2014. Even giving parameters to the sweet little search engines meant nothing, they pretty much gave me what they wanted me to see, geez.
After reading 3 trillion sites on “what the heck I should do” I found one author who wrote about what she didn’t do correctly and how she found a site that gave step-by-step instructions to do it the right way. I felt like I had just fallen into a fluffy pile of goodness!
As I continued to search how to link this, add on that and be noticed there, came the should be’s, ought to be’s, better be doing it this way articles and once again I wanted to head for a nap or a handful of potato chips to dull the overwhelming sense of ‘why the hell am I doing this?”
Eventually the articles I did find, that weren’t out-of-date, were incredibly helpful and user-friendly. Everyone was willing to share ideas, their sources, their successes and failures and it wasn’t about fear of losing readers or who was more successful, it was about helping someone like me. The faceless, well-written, funny-looking gravatars** (a globally recognized avatar) eventually helped me create a blog, a place to unzip this crazy brain and share all my quips with you. Were these people going to be my new tribe? I was sort of excited…
The lessons learned here are:
- Don’t believe everything you hear or read; it really could be out-of-date or hurtful.
- The feeling of being overwhelmed will pass; just try not to finish the bag of chips while it’s happening.
- Help can come from anywhere as long as you’re willing to ask and accept it, even if it’s from a cartoon character that has excellent grammar.
If I don’t get linked correctly, or added on there, or noticed around here, I will still be grateful for the help of strangers and hopefully I can keep that movement going!
What have you done lately to help someone in search of assistance? Send me some examples of your awesomeness!!
Grateful for you…
My new Gravatar **