I’ve been pretty distracted with our house build this year, but I haven’t stopped observing how divided we’ve become.
Who can’t observe it?
I’m not a conspiracy nut, well perhaps the nut part, but sit back and look through my eyes as to what I’ve observed.
Here are the daily rantings from the MSM and social accounts…
We are:
Divided by religion. Everyone hates Islam, and Jews and Christians.
Divided by race. Everyone hates blacks and whites and Asians.
Divided by class. Everyone hates people with money, any amount more than they have.
Divided by political beliefs. Everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, evil and selfish and everyone who voted for Biden is not.
Divided by the status of the environment. Everyone who uses plastic water bottles and straws are evil, but masks in the ocean are ok.
And now we are divided by a virus that was man-made.
Divided by the treatment of said virus. Those who believe there are therapeutics to prevent it and/or lessen said virus and the power of natural immunity and those who agree with a government mandated therapeutic that does not eliminate said virus.
And now we’re divided by the creation of a “travel” card that will eventually eliminate our freedoms one by one, if we do not act and say, as we are told.
Dividing us is the easiest way to remove us from our family ties, our friends, our beliefs, and our morals.
Removing what unites us helps create the “new world order” made up of group think rather than of individual beliefs. “Critical thinking” is taught to second graders, but many adults have forgotten how or are too lazy, to critically think for themselves.
When you have all the power: MSM, funded politicians, social media, entertainment industry to project only one way of thinking, you eliminate the voices of those with whom you disagree. Dividing people doesn’t eliminate their truths; it only creates suspicion and more division.
So why are we listening to organizations who tell us how we should feel about one another? Why don’t we just look into the faces of our friends, our neighbors, the people waiting in line at the grocery and observe the love they have for their family, their jobs, and friends. They didn’t need to run through an approved checklist for those feelings, they just have them because they are humans!
My friend is going in for brain surgery tomorrow to remove a tumor. Do you need to know her religion, her race, if she has money, who she voted for or if she’s been vaccinated to pray for her? And if you do not have a God, do you need all those prerequisites to wish her well?
I’m pretty sure the answer is no.
I wish you all a blessed Christmas spent with loving family and friends, undivided, with the realization that we are all precious human beings no matter what color, sex, religion, amount of money, who we voted for or our vax choice.
And, Nancy, you might have a lot more prayers tonight than you expected my friend…
Grateful for you and Merry Christmas,
We, as a Nation, are being indoctrinated into the divisions you mention yet we have free will to do as you state with one another wishing “…. all a blessed Christmas spent with loving family and friends, undivided, with the realization that we are all precious human beings no matter what color, sex, religion, amount of money, who we voted for or our vax choice.”
Not everyone ‘hates’ in the categories listed above. The father of lies, the great deceiver, wants all of us to think this is true. Reject him. Vote! Bless those who persecute you, your family, friends, or coworkers! Life is short-Eternity is forever. And, please say a prayer for Sheree’s friend, Nancy; her family; surgeon (s); and medical staff.
Thanks Dianna for your comments!
Amen well said. Merry Christmas and prayers for Nancy!
Thanks Kirk! Merry Christmas!
I love the way you use your words. The thoughts really pull it all together. I feel like most of humanity busts wants to be heard, listened to and respected.. ok a hug or 2 along the way.
Love you dear girlfriend and huge prayers for Nancy
Thanks Sue and Merry Christmas!