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We went to see the movie “Unplanned” this weekend.  Knowing it was going to be intense I tried psyching myself up. I believed I could logically get through it, plus the major TV channels weren’t advertising it, so that also piqued my interest. 

Why shouldn’t this side of “a woman’s choice” be told?

Jeff and I sat with our neighbor Sandy.  We had our “just-in-case” tissues in hand as we sat and watched previews of cute movies coming out this summer. Finally, the movie began and it was pretty intense right off the bat.

As my chest tightened and tears flowed, I was surprised I became so emotional so quickly. It wasn’t from a ‘bloody’ standpoint, although there was blood.  It’s not blood you’d see in every action movie or video game caused from bombs, guns or knives.  This blood occurs from a procedure on a table and pills to induce an abortion. 

My tough façade melted in front of the screen as my one fricking tissue became soaked with tears that just could not be stopped.  Jeff was lucky, he had a cloth handkerchief!

Possible spoiler alert:  In one scene PP performs a vacuum aspiration using an ultrasound to guide them.  The baby with all its limbs developed, appears to push away from the suction device.

This is the scene I couldn’t catch my breath because I’ve seen my baby push away in an ultrasound just like that. At around 20 weeks into my second pregnancy I was 35 years old.  My doc stated I needed an amniocentesis being an “older” mother, the baby could have defects. 

I had no history in my family of losing a child or birth defects, nevertheless I went along with it. They numbed my large abdomen, and did an ultrasound to locate the baby, which we now call Emma! The nurse attempted to insert a very large needle into my belly, but couldn’t pierce the sack to take a sample of the amniotic fluid. Watching the ultrasound we saw our little girl consciously move out of the way of the incoming needle.  The nurse withdrew the needle and tried again.  Once again the uterus lining didn’t give way and the baby moved to avoid the intrusion.   The nurse asked us to come back the next week and try again.  We both looked at each other and said “uh no.” No matter the health of this baby – who has been waving at us through the ultrasound comes out – she’s ours.

This movie pretty much puts the purpose of Planned Parenthood (PP) right up in your face.  Sadly, in my youth, I was as naïve as the author of the book as to the purpose of PP.  I believed PP was there to “just” provide birth control, female tests and advice on “planning” births.

I AM NOT KIDDING YOU, I really did!

The headlines in the news, for the past few years have made it crystal clear that the number one purpose of PP is to provide abortions.

I read the reviews of the movie which follow the pro-life and pro-abortion lines.  I looked through them for a mention that maybe, just maybe someone would suggest there was an alternative to termination, but I didn’t really find it. The one thing that amazed me in those reviews that no one touches on the physical and emotional wounds that a woman could deal with forever.

The movie has a MPAA film rating:  R – Restricted – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them.

I don’t agree with the rating, but perhaps this makes a case that parents should be with their 16 and 17 year old sons and daughters at this movie. They can discuss the outcome of having sex and the affect is has on all parties.  These children so desperately want to act like adults, so they should be given both sides of the story.  The term “getting an abortion” is so easily used in conversation; it’s like saying “I’m going out for coffee.”  It has no personal resonance because the physical and emotional effects are never really discussed.    

I understand that many believe life starts at conception.  And as a logical human being I also understand that there are unwanted pregnancies, the pill and protection don’t always work and there will always be that “heat of the moment” thing. But… should having sex be given a higher importance in society than taking a life? 

This was a very hard movie to watch and even harder to think about afterwards. Perhaps we all need to be a little uncomfortable…

Grateful for you,


Has My Silence Implied Consent?

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Did you know you can be heavily fined and/or go to prison for harming the eggs of a sea turtle or bald eagle. That made me think to myself, what IS the value of an unborn or aborted human life compared to that of a turtle or eagle egg?  Is it about choice at conception or choice at termination?  Should I remain silent on these points and just let others discuss them? Has my silence implied consent?

When I heard talk about ending the Electoral College, I had to refresh my memory on the purpose of the process.  That led me to an interesting comparison, the map of sanctuary cities and the electoral votes for the 2016 election.   The cluster of pin points has an interesting link to the population density in those cities, which then relates to the number of electoral votes allowed.

Electoral College votes compared to Sanctuary Cities

Weirdly enough on the same day of my search, a post by Mr. Kevin Bowe listed some facts that sort of blew my mind because I had no idea.  (And yes, I took an hour out of my life that I will never get back, to fact check all his points, which were all true.)

“For all the people who fell asleep in civics class

It’s (the Electoral College) a safety net so that EVERYONE’S vote counts.

1:  There are 3,141 counties in the United States.  Trump won 3,084 of them.  Clinton won 57.

2:  There are 62 counties in New York State.  Trump won 46 of them.  Clinton won 16.

3:  Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

4:  In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump.  (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)  Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

5: These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.  The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

6: When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of the country.

And this is WHY you have an Electoral College.”  (posted 3-20-19)

After reading this I looked into a map that popped up in my search, that of the county vote in the 2016 election. 

Was the majority of the country heard?

Obviously every person in every county didn’t vote Republican, but a majority in those counties turned them red.  It appears that people in the smallest of areas, want their voices to be heard.  Eliminating the Electoral College would eliminate those voices.

Believe me it’s a very helpless feeling having no voice in elections (residing here in California), or being silent on topics of controversy in hopes to avoid hurt feelings or angry backlashes.

I have worked with and lived near very sweet people who are liberals. These individuals do not have a problem speaking or posting their beliefs online. And, for the most part I have stayed silent (except to fact check of course, ’cause that’s just me…). I envy their boldness.  After leaving the Democratic Party in my 30’s I became a quiet polite Conservative.  This didn’t mean I wholeheartedly believed or supported what each President had to say or enacted, but I tried to stay true to ‘my’ beliefs. Moreover, I didn’t speak up or post things when I disagreed with the previous President’s policies, I quietly waited and hoped my vote would eventually speak for me.

Make no mistake, though, my silence on many issues does NOT imply my consent…

  • Changing the Constitution to suit the needs of the few – this document has stood the test of time for 230+ years and many countries have tried to emulate it.
  • Supporting the killing of the unborn and newly born.
  • Ignoring the Bill of Rights.
  • Eliminating the Electoral College.
  • Allowing non-residents to vote for anything or anyone in this country.  People worked hard to become citizens don’t devalue their journey.
  • Prosecuting accused individuals in the media for all to hear without undeniable proof.  Blindly attacking people via social media behind a screen where it is safe.  Where has our sense of decorum gone?

With all of these issues filling every minute of the news and social media, it’s understandable why so many young adults are confused and are so incredibly unhappy with this country and their lives.

Has our silence in teaching them the positives in this country, rather than highlighting the negatives, failed them? Has our silence allowed an entire generation to be ungrateful?

Have we been silent about religion and God for too long? Young adults aren’t taught to believe in something greater than themselves.  If they fail, the whole world is a failure since they – ARE – their whole world. Should we keep being silent or should we take the burden of being a ‘god’ off their shoulders?

My silence and the appearance of consent stops now…

  • I didn’t ask to be conceived – but I’m grateful I was.
  • The Hennessey, Baumgarten, Ross and Larsen families chose this country to call home!
  • I don’t consider myself a racist, sexist, homophobic or a feminist, rather I am a woman of the human race, a Christian, and a conservative. I also have a lot of other human-type friends I am grateful for.
  • I have sinned but believe I have been forgiven. Although knowing that, doesn’t mean I want to push my luck and run out of any additional “forgiven” possibilities.
  • I believe that since I was born, I am actually a person of privilege; the privilege of being alive.  Born in a generation that wasn’t at war their entire lives, as in other countries.  Brought up in a country of abundance, opportunity and diversity. It has scars but is always learning from them and shouldn’t be looking backwards, but rather forward.

What I’m asking for, is the adults in the room STAND UP. Perhaps read both sides of an argument and use your common sense to choose a side or parts of a side that make sense for the entire country. Stand up for the trials you’ve gone through, the sacrifices you’ve endured and the work you had to put in to become the person you are today. 

I believe for too long our silence, as logical and experienced adults, HAS implied our consent.  

Grateful for you and being here,


Do Bad Children Get Presents?

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Presents from Santa

I was once again honored to be the recipient of my nephew Henry’s Santa Letter.  We’ve gone paperless this year and I received it via email.  Gmail is a wonderful thing when trying to hide the identity of a great-aunt from the nephew – no postmark. 

After reading through it the first time, I was amazed that with all the negative news and mindless ramblings on TV and social media that the mind of this 4th grader had not yet been tampered with.

He asked how I was, plus the elves and Mrs. Claus.  This could have been to butter  me up for the wish list, but he then explained how he’s working on being respectful and keeping his hands to himself at school. Should this be considered a minus to the wish list since he obviously had been called out on a little “bad” behavior? But he did come clean with me after all….

Next in the letter was the melt your heart stuff; one of those questions to which I better answer correctly or scar the kid forever.

“I have one question before the wish list this year, is there really such a thing as good kids get presents and bad kids get no presents and coal in their stocking?  He went on to say “I think it’s, good kids get presents and bad kids get less presents because that whole no presents thing is just not kind.  All kids deserve presents even if there [they’re] bad.”

Crap, I believe I’ve said that “no presents and coal in your stockings” to my kids.

I actually might still say that to my adult-kids.  I had to delve deep down into my soul and question myself… should bad kids get presents?  Are those kids really good all year long but only bad during December?  What do their parents threaten them with during the other 11 months if they are bad?  And who made them bad afterall?

I came to the conclusion that children aren’t inherently bad.  And that, yes, their parents actually do assist in the bad behavior, whether they know it or not.  Why does it appear that they act out more in December?   And why do we hold a jolly, white-bearded old man over their heads when all he really wants to do is make them happy?

Maybe we’ve forgotten to teach them the original reason we’re supposed to be good, caring, and genuine for all 12 months instead of just one month?  Perhaps the whole giving and getting of gifts has lost its meaning?   Maybe we’ve become a little too lax on the lessons taught to us by a SON, who was born and gives gifts to us everyday of our lives. We just need to recognize them.

On Giving and Getting Gifts…

I believe the idea of “getting” gifts should teach us how to receive graciously, be humble and grateful.  And maybe, just maybe by taking the time to shop, wrap and give we’re actually being given an amazing gift to ourselves; a glimpse into the essence of pure JOY.   

So, I was honest with Henry and told him that all children should get presents.  And parents threaten their kids because they are frustrated with their misbehaving especially when they want to make things so perfect for Christmas.   I also shared with him that I hoped ALL children could be as caring as he was. 

I then told him that Sprinkles, his Elf on the Shelf, does report back to me.  Just great — this sweet child will now be thinking there’s a stalker in his house!  I’m thinking pretend Santa’s can possibly do a little damage of their own…..

Have a blessed Christmas filled with gratitude and JOY!

Grateful for you,

Sheree (pseudo-Santa)

God Unfriended Me

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Friends with God

The new series “God Friended Me” is pretty cute. I’ve been trying to watch it regularly to remove myself from the daily barrage of hate, anger and sadness that permeates the news and social media.

I actually experienced a little “unfriending” by God on my last trip to Phoenix.

October was a very busy month. I was hired to decorate a “giving” tree for a resort in Scottsdale. Three charities would be spotlighted, one in October, one in November and the final one in December.  The tree would need to be redecorated each month to represent the charity.

The first tree went up October 1st. Upon completion I drove back to Anaheim and we flew to Denver for four days to visit our daughter and boyfriend.  After returning to Anaheim I left for a 10 day trip to Chicago.  Five days later I headed back to Phoenix to decorate for the second charity!

Needless to say I was starting to get a little punchy. I tried to psych myself up to put together a tree topper that I had only envisioned. It had to be awesome to entice people to donate to this charity.  No pressure… It’s 6:15pm, it should only take me about an hour.  I got this!

In walks God…

A friend, who is helping, stops by my son’s condo and we decide I’ll follow her to the resort – my car is loaded with supplies. She leaves and when I try to start my car, it won’t turn over.  It does that clicking thing and I quickly call her.  I know if I need the engine rebuilt, she’s my gal. She makes a U-turn and heads back.  She agrees – battery.  We transfer all my crap to her car and head out.

My mind is now racing. I have to be to the resort before the room is locked.  I need to figure out how to get a new battery before leaving at 6:00am tomorrow.  And I HAVE to leave tomorrow because we’re having friends visit that will be arriving in Anaheim late afternoon…

We arrive on time, unload the supplies, sign in at security and start to take down the previous decorations. I need to be creative like — NOW.

Here’s where God unfriended me…

Not sure what your specialties in life might be, but I’m pretty artistic. Before I start any new project I acknowledge to God that it’s not me doing it, rather he’s doing it through me.  Well this night all that praying and acknowledging went straight out the window, I didn’t have time.

A tree topper that should have taken me ONE hour took THREE. My anger, and worry and self-centeredness didn’t leave any room for my creativeness via God.  The sweet friend working with me tried many times to assure me things were going to be ok and we’d work it out and all I heard was

yada yada yada…

At some point into the tree I realized that “I” was the only one responsible for the delays, the swearing at butterflies I was trying to mount and the disconnect from God. I was getting in my own way and wasn’t letting God work through me.  As soon as that realization occurred, which could have been like 2.5 hours earlier, the topper came together!  It’s now 10:30pm and we’re waiting for the AAA man.  Guess what, that nice man with a battery showed up 45 minutes earlier than projected and my sweet car once again started like a champ.  Coincidence – I think not.

Sojourner Foundation Giving Tree

Charity Tree Topper

During the five hour drive home the next morning, I did a lot of reflecting on the month and the previous evening. I recognized that I didn’t like it when God unfriends me. I’m pretty much miserable.  I need to recognize more quickly when I’m standing in my own way or when I’m too busy to reconnect.

After returning home the mid-term elections were held and I thought… Perhaps the reason things don’t get done in Congress is because they are all so angry and full of hatred for one another. There is no room in their hearts to allow God in to help them think logically and do what is best for the country and not for their party or for their political gain.

I think we ALL need to recognize those friend requests from God more frequently.  Perhaps Thanksgiving is a good time to click ‘ACCEPT’.

Grateful for you, my new battery and being friends with God again,
