I feel like we’re always waiting for something…

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For the past three weeks I have been remodeling an office in Tempe, AZ about 360 miles from my home. Luckily my son and his girlfriend live eight miles from the job and have a guest room with my name engraved on it….

While here, I visited with friends who remodeled their kitchen but had one last piece to do – the back splash. The kitchen was done in beautiful neutrals, dark cabinets, white and brown granite and stainless appliances. So how hard could it be to finish it off? Something was keeping the wife from making a decision from the 20 tile samples that were laying about the house.

We talked a bit and though the samples her husband had picked were stunning, there was something missing. The samples were safe and neutral, but lacked ‘her’ personality.

Years ago my older sister asked me something interesting? “Why do you only decorate with your personality when you’re going to “sell” your home instead of doing it when you first move in?” Why DIDN’T I do things to my house right away?  Since that day I have decorated my homes to LIVE in, from the beginning: colored walls, drapes, rugs, bedding, and I love being there – coming home – (which someday I hope to do – with the added bonus of seeing my husband).

The Staircase in my home!

The Staircase in my home!

As I shared this bit of wisdom with my friend she asked, “What if I put the tile up and I don’t like it in a year or two?” and I responded, “It’s only tile, rip it out!”

I wonder why we wait to put up those back splashes that reflect our personalities. Why don’t we paint a wall orange with white polka dots, or hang drapes from our patio? Are we waiting for permission from someone? And besides, when we sell, can’t we just paint those walls back to taupe?

I feel like we’re always waiting for something: growing up, graduating, promotions, better homes and cars, weddings, grand babies, retiring or putting some amazing back splash up.

Stop waiting and put up the damn back splash!

With gratitude,


I’m Here to Help you Breathe Through This

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I know when you saw the picture you started hyperventilating, just a little bit, but I’m here to help you breathe through this.

Yep it’s July 17 and yep that was a picture of Christmas décor on store shelves right now and yep there’s a mere 160 days until Christmas…breathe.

I talked to you about this last year “Are You Kidding – Christmas Decorations Already?” and some of you laughed at me and some of you ignored me and some of you actually started to address your Christmas cards when it was 110⁰ (good job).

Look, we have to endure political campaigning for years before an election (which is awful) and prepare months before a wedding (which is expensive) and we even start saving for next year’s Christmas in January (well not me… but some people might). So being alerted five months ahead isn’t so bad?

Here’s how we can get through this together, deep breath…

  1. Don’t forget it’s the happiest time of the year, sort of like being at Disneyland for like five months….
  2. You now have time to make a meaningful list with the most important people on top, and the “I like ‘em but…” people at the bottom. Only think about the most important ones for gifts and send the “I like ‘em but…” people a beautiful card with a note inside.
  3. Since you have five months to think about these important people, you can’t help but find the perfect gift.
  4. Think about giving experiences rather than things, like tickets to the zoo or children’s museum. I got this great idea from a friend last year. Not only did it save on shipping costs and cut down on the clutter in their home; it gave my grand-nephew memories!
  5. Food is never a bad idea.
  6. Shop at local shops, you may be saving their business for the year.
  7. Bigger is not always better. Meaningful beats mass. No friend or family member wants you to go into debt for them.
  8. Give a donation in their name and let them know who they’ve helped out this year.
  9. In regards to decorating – remember – this IS when the designers buy their décor. You get the first shot at the best selections.
  10. Follow the old KISS suggestion when shopping or planning or decorating – Keep It Simple Silly – well maybe not the decorating part.

Are you breathing yet?

So it may be 100⁰ out, and we still need to celebrate all who labor, witches and goblins, and being incredibly grateful to have things that still take our breath away – like ornaments in July – but it is never too early to eliminate stress and hurry and worry.  That’s why — I’m here to help you breathe through this!

Grateful for you and more Glitter…


In the Presence of Real Courage

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Courage and Cat Videos

Courage and Cat Videos

In my travels back to Phoenix this past year I stood in the presence of real courage.  Not the “I have the courage to ask for a raise”, or “I have the courage to try a new hair style”, I mean the epitome of the word courage.

While in town I have been helping out a friend and her husband.  Her husband has stage four glioblastoma multiforme which is normally a cancer found in the brain; his was located in the spine.  Only .01 percent of people get this type of cancer in that location and it is deadly.  Hearing the news, he replied, “Let’s get this fight started, Bubba”, and with that attitude, made everyone around him cheer him on with belief and laughter.

This is a man who has fought his whole life to LIVE, from being abused by his father and abandoned as a young boy to fighting and being shot in the Agent Orange fields of Vietnam.  While working a 30 year career as a firefighter, he turned his car into an out-of-control driver and took the hit on his side to keep his wife and small child from being hurt, this lead to a broken pelvis and other injuries.  They said he wouldn’t walk again, but he did walk out of that hospital and returned to the fire department, because he chose to LIVE.

And now the fight is directed toward miniscule cancer cells that spread within his spine. After 17 months of chemo, his choices have become less and less and after many heartfelt discussions, this man decided once again to keep on fighting and chose to have the cancer cut out of his spinal cord.  That decision means his spine will forever be severed.

He starts a new journey, in a new body, for as long as he can fight this fight.  Learning to live without his legs, as many have done, but knowing all the while he made the choice, the choice to LIVE.

As I listen to the news and see our young take the lives of each other or view the entitlement so many expect or hear the continual ranting from each political party, I want to just scream and say:








So…Use your choices wisely,  BEFORE they are no longer YOUR choices.

Grateful for you,


My Conversations with God

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The last few weeks I’ve been caught up in the festivities of turning 60 and then off to Phoenix to help out a friend who is the main caregiver for her husband who has stage 4 spinal cancer.

To say the least my mind has been from here to there and back again:  happy, sad, grateful and humbled.  And all the while something had been missing; my conversations with God.

Tending to the ChickensI was preoccupied, caught up in celebrating, immersed in my friend’s medical paperwork.  I was feeding chickens, cleaning up after dogs, doing laundry and trying to be the cheery one, but there was an emptiness, something I hadn’t felt in a while, something was missing; my conversations with God.

If you know me I am by no means a religious person, meaning organized religion.  I was Baptized Catholic, married by a Methodist minister and joined the Church of God and Presbyterian Church.  Attending a service at Church once a week is completely fulfilling for many people.  But my conversations with God happen multiple times a day, most every day, sometimes hourly.

But I digress…

During the last 4 weeks with all my busy-ness and celebrations, my EGO, as Wayne Dyer refers to as “Edging God Out,” did the talking.  I wasn’t quiet and I didn’t let my heart have the conversation and my soul do the listening.

So while it is summertime and “the living is easy,” which we know it won’t be unless we make it that way, here are a few suggestions: Put DOWN your phone, turn off the TV, hide out in a quiet room and just be.

Put your ego on pause and have that conversation with God.  He’s waiting to hear about your day, your worries, and your celebrations.  Don’t interrupt either, be still, he speaks quietly like a butterfly’s wings and be aware he doesn’t always answer on your time-table (I hate that one).

Then voila, the something that’s been missing will be back!  Your happy place will be waiting for you and it’s as simple as having that conversation.  A conversation with a force that’s bigger than you and that know-it-all EGO — which quite often needs a leash adjustment.

Grateful for you,


P.S.  If you know of a caregiver to someone who is ill or aging, please remember to give THEM some care.

P.S. Enjoy summer and this link to the amazing song – Summertime by Ella Fitzgerald!!!