I know when you saw the picture you started hyperventilating, just a little bit, but I’m here to help you breathe through this.
Yep it’s July 17 and yep that was a picture of Christmas décor on store shelves right now and yep there’s a mere 160 days until Christmas…breathe.
I talked to you about this last year “Are You Kidding – Christmas Decorations Already?” and some of you laughed at me and some of you ignored me and some of you actually started to address your Christmas cards when it was 110⁰ (good job).
Look, we have to endure political campaigning for years before an election (which is awful) and prepare months before a wedding (which is expensive) and we even start saving for next year’s Christmas in January (well not me… but some people might). So being alerted five months ahead isn’t so bad?
Here’s how we can get through this together, deep breath…
- Don’t forget it’s the happiest time of the year, sort of like being at Disneyland for like five months….
- You now have time to make a meaningful list with the most important people on top, and the “I like ‘em but…” people at the bottom. Only think about the most important ones for gifts and send the “I like ‘em but…” people a beautiful card with a note inside.
- Since you have five months to think about these important people, you can’t help but find the perfect gift.
- Think about giving experiences rather than things, like tickets to the zoo or children’s museum. I got this great idea from a friend last year. Not only did it save on shipping costs and cut down on the clutter in their home; it gave my grand-nephew memories!
- Food is never a bad idea.
- Shop at local shops, you may be saving their business for the year.
- Bigger is not always better. Meaningful beats mass. No friend or family member wants you to go into debt for them.
- Give a donation in their name and let them know who they’ve helped out this year.
- In regards to decorating – remember – this IS when the designers buy their décor. You get the first shot at the best selections.
- Follow the old KISS suggestion when shopping or planning or decorating – Keep It Simple Silly – well maybe not the decorating part.
Are you breathing yet?
So it may be 100⁰ out, and we still need to celebrate all who labor, witches and goblins, and being incredibly grateful to have things that still take our breath away – like ornaments in July – but it is never too early to eliminate stress and hurry and worry. That’s why — I’m here to help you breathe through this!
Grateful for you and more Glitter…
Great ideas…I’m getting the Christmas cards out to address and checking out what “experiences” I can give to out of town family!
Thanks Sheree!