I was once again honored to be the recipient of my nephew Henry’s Santa Letter. We’ve gone paperless this year and I received it via email. Gmail is a wonderful thing when trying to hide the identity of a great-aunt from the nephew – no postmark.
After reading through it the first time, I was amazed that with all the negative news and mindless ramblings on TV and social media that the mind of this 4th grader had not yet been tampered with.
He asked how I was, plus the elves and Mrs. Claus. This could have been to butter me up for the wish list, but he then explained how he’s working on being respectful and keeping his hands to himself at school. Should this be considered a minus to the wish list since he obviously had been called out on a little “bad” behavior? But he did come clean with me after all….
Next in the letter was the melt your heart stuff; one of those questions to which I better answer correctly or scar the kid forever.
“I have one question before the wish list this year, is there really such a thing as good kids get presents and bad kids get no presents and coal in their stocking? He went on to say “I think it’s, good kids get presents and bad kids get less presents because that whole no presents thing is just not kind. All kids deserve presents even if there [they’re] bad.”
Crap, I believe I’ve said that “no presents and coal in your stockings” to my kids.
I actually might still say that to my adult-kids. I had to delve deep down into my soul and question myself… should bad kids get presents? Are those kids really good all year long but only bad during December? What do their parents threaten them with during the other 11 months if they are bad? And who made them bad afterall?
I came to the conclusion that children aren’t inherently bad. And that, yes, their parents actually do assist in the bad behavior, whether they know it or not. Why does it appear that they act out more in December? And why do we hold a jolly, white-bearded old man over their heads when all he really wants to do is make them happy?
Maybe we’ve forgotten to teach them the original reason we’re supposed to be good, caring, and genuine for all 12 months instead of just one month? Perhaps the whole giving and getting of gifts has lost its meaning? Maybe we’ve become a little too lax on the lessons taught to us by a SON, who was born and gives gifts to us everyday of our lives. We just need to recognize them.
On Giving and Getting Gifts…
I believe the idea of “getting” gifts should teach us how to receive graciously, be humble and grateful. And maybe, just maybe by taking the time to shop, wrap and give we’re actually being given an amazing gift to ourselves; a glimpse into the essence of pure JOY.
So, I was honest with Henry and told him that all children should get presents. And parents threaten their kids because they are frustrated with their misbehaving especially when they want to make things so perfect for Christmas. I also shared with him that I hoped ALL children could be as caring as he was.
I then told him that Sprinkles, his Elf on the Shelf, does report back to me. Just great — this sweet child will now be thinking there’s a stalker in his house! I’m thinking pretend Santa’s can possibly do a little damage of their own…..
Have a blessed Christmas filled with gratitude and JOY!
Grateful for you,
Sheree (pseudo-Santa)
Merry Christmas to you & yours Sheree!
Thanks Pam!! Merry Christmas to you too!
LOL! Santa, good answers. I think I’ll pass this on to a few adult children I know😱.
Somehow I truly believe your “ Just Observings” need to be posted to all of the public!!!!
Thanks so much!! Merry Christmas!!