I heard the song Prayers for this World by Pentatonix and started crying while I was driving this week. I thought many of you, like me, have been carrying around heavy hearts with all that has happened in the past few years. (I invite you to listen to the link before you continue reading – sorry if it has commercials).

I sat and made a list of things I pray for daily. After writing them down, it dawned on me that every one of the burdens that are affecting humanity are encapsulated in the Seven Deadly Sins.
Now, I’m no saint, FAR from it, but many intelligent adults can see what is happening in the world and feel completely helpless to stop it.
Can you relate any of these “seven sins” to current events, i.e. sexually explicit story hours, trying to eliminate puberty from our youth, the health crisis of obesity, the lack of desire to work, re-igniting of race wars, comparing our lives on social media, and a “one world order”?
- Lust = is a strong passion or longing, especially for sexual desires.
- Gluttony = is excessive and ongoing eating of food or drink.
- Greed = is an excessive pursuit of material goods.
- Sloth = is excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents.
- Wrath = is a strong anger and hate towards another person.
- Envy = is the intense desire to have an item that someone else possesses.
- Pride = is an excessive view of oneself without regard for others.
The article that explained these sins also listed out the virtues that can cure them:
- Chastity or self-control = cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.
- Temperance = cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.
- Charity or love = cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for [oneself].
- Diligence or Zeal = cures slothfulness by placing the best interest of others above the life of ease and relaxation.
- Patience = cures wrath by taking time to understand the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.
- Kindness = cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.
- Humility = cures pride by removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.
A list of sins was given to us a gazillion years ago by Pope Gregory I, around 600 AD. Did we forget them, or did we choose to ignore them?
We were also given the cure for the sins a gazillion years ago, but do we have the strength to carry them out now?
Where are the teachers to teach us how to avoid or cure these sins? Are they us? Are we supposed to be the teachers, or are we depending on some other human to do it for us? How’d that work out?
Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s the Baby, born in a manger…
The One who is fresh and new.
The One who can remind us how heavy the burden of sin can be.
Here is a list of things I pray for all the time:
(One of the last prayers is that my list will be eliminated someday.)
I Pray for the children – who have their innocence ripped from them by being trafficked, abused, and tortured.
I Pray for ALL trafficked humans who cross our border and throughout the world.
I Pray for the homeless created by greed.
I Pray corrupt governments will be replaced with individuals who listen to the people who elected them and pay their wages.
I Pray for the deaths caused by coerced medical treatments and doctors who have closed their eyes to it.
I Pray for the end of senseless wars.
I Pray for the softening of hearts regarding race, religion, and wealth. That people will listen to their hearts and not how they are told to think.
I Pray we stop indoctrinating our children through schools and social media.
I Pray for our economy and the poorest of us who are forgotten.
I Pray that respect, honor, and responsibility will once again be taught to children.
I Pray that lying will become the exception, not the rule.
I Pray for all those affected by illegal immigration.
I Pray that companies that still produce products with life-threatening ingredients have an awakening of conscience.
I Pray for all the businesses who are stolen from, by groups of greedy humans. That law and order will be restored by teaching consequences.
And lastly…I Pray people look to God and less to themselves and the seven deadly sins for answers.
Grateful for you and a time to reflect.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours,