Christmas, a Season of Hope. So here are MY HOPES for Christmas…
HOPE — transitive verb — 1: to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment
I hope I won’t throw a shoe through the TV if I hear one more Christmas commercial for Mercedes Benz.
I hope that people will use Facebook less and actually speak to each other.
I hope more happy memories will fill the personal sadness I carry for the loss of friends which happened in the month of December. Kelsea, Pam and Marian, loved by so many, left this planet w-a-a-a-a-y too soon.
I hope that all those who walk with the diagnosis of a disease can go for just one day without being saturated in all the worry, pain and fear that goes with it.
I hope that I will never be discovered as the person who writes the “Santa Letters” to my grand-nephew. (I don’t think Henry reads my blog yet…)
I hope that people will stop dwelling on the bad in every situation. That they are able to shift gears to the good, even if it takes a night of sipping wine and rocking in the corner.
I hope that firefighters and law enforcement individuals feel our support and gratitude each day when they wake up and put on their boots and badges.
I hope that all those in the Service find the strength each day to continue to protect the freedoms we so easily take for granted and know how much we appreciate them.
I hope the line at Costco is less than 15 people deep when I return for a seafood-run later this week.
I hope that lonely individuals are greeted with a smile, a kind word or a call not only on Christmas, but throughout the year.
hope — verb — 2: to want something to happen or be true and think that could happen or be true
I hope that I’ll be able to find another pair of these comfy jeans.
I hope that I will continue to laugh until I cry or snort, with my family and friends.
I hope that I will never forget the true meaning of Christmas. Cause if you stop believing — you get underwear.
I hope people can look at each other without seeing the scarlet letter of C (conservative) or L (liberal) tattooed to their foreheads.
I hope the fires that continue to burn in California will soon be contained.
I hope that egos and the need to be right can be erased from the minds of those in conflict. That speaking your truth and listening with an open heart can happen without anger towards each other.
I hope that every automobile built will come with turn signals, because so many of them don’t have them…
I hope with all my heart that you have a magical Christmas; one that is filled with twinkling eyes, laughter and hugs. A Christmas that is filled with joyous reunions of loved ones here and wonderful memories of those who are gone.
Here’s a little Christmas gift from me to you on “Christmas HOPE” from the Skit Guys…
Grateful for you and the gift of Hope,