What Changed You Mom?

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2020 did honey, 2020 did… 

I tried to take it in stride like everyone else. I posted pics each day with funny notes to lift people’s spirits.  But with fear being aired 24/7, I just knew something wasn’t right…

‘Rona opened a rabbit hole that I had no stairs to return from.  It took trust from me and I’m not sure I’ll ever get it back.

Photo by Victor Larracuente on Unsplash

Trust in the government, medical fields, friends and family, CDC, FDA, FBI, CIA, WHO, WEF and NIH.

In 2012 I was given the gift of GRATITUDE; Boomer was a large tumor, but not cancerous.  I was gifted a new view on life and how precious it is. 

Eight years later, ‘Rona gave me a new gift, that of INSIGHT.

It all started with the notorious California lockdowns early in 2020, then the George Floyd riots.  It continued with the silencing of physicians that were finding success in treating patients using safe, effective well-known drugs, but they were silenced because of an Emergency Use Authorization

What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) you ask? 

“…Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are NO ADEQUATE, APPROVED, AND AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES.”


But if you have an alternative medicine that works, you cannot release a vaccine.

That’s when the door came slamming shut, my dear daughter.  It wasn’t a solid door though; it was one with windows where I observed the madness that many believed was planned…

Photo by Bogdan Dada on Unsplash

I had friends, that I loved, question if I were a racist for not believing in the organized and destructive riots in 2020.  I was questioned how many black friends I had and who were the black writers/speakers I followed to see if they were the “right” kind of black person. 

I tried to understand their point of view, but I still questioned – why were the riots hurting the black communities instead of supporting them? It all seemed so planned.

Being taught to be “color blind,” I was told, was not correct. Accepting people for their character NOW needed to be replaced with, accepting them for their skin color.  That was not how I was raised or how we raised you.

I had friends that I loved, who were very vocal on how the unvaccinated should be treated.  I pray they never have to endure what we did…

I tried to rationalize their feelings as they had only been fed fear and body counts on the daily news.  We had been told so many lies and kept the doctors who knew – silenced.  The yearly flu had all but disappeared and no one questioned it.  Now, after the damage is done, we are learning what the vaxes are doing to thousands and thousands.

I learned how pharmaceutical companies were protected against lawsuits regarding vaccines, medicines and treatments.  Many of the drugs and vaxes had never been studied long term or how they interacted with each other.  I felt stupid that I never knew that, then I became angry…

We saw prices go sky high, why?  Why were thousands of container ships stranded off the coast of California?  No really, why?  People were willing to work, but the government wouldn’t allow it. If the government was there to help us, why didn’t they fix it?  Many of us were really affected, like building in 2021 and having our house costs go up 75%. It all seemed deliberate.

Bitter?  Yes, yes I am.  Sort of life changing, as a matter of fact.

I was silenced and belittled for my covid opinions, my political beliefs. I questioned the government’s handling of the homeless, vaccine requirements, and the increasing national debt. Why were we so dependent on other countries for our energy needs? In California we were asked to electrify our lives, while they enforced rolling brownouts because of the lack of electricity.

I saw how the government didn’t really protect the American people at all.  Yet we were the ones paying their salaries. They were the ones sending our billions to foreign countries for “research” and “humanitarian aid.”  They were approving garbage to be added to our food sources and injecting us for the “good” of the country and grandma.

I witnessed an invasion, not a humanitarian crisis – let’s be honest – crossing our southern border. 

If you’re going to war, you come alone.

If you’re running from war or poverty, you take your family.

Too many “alone” individuals have come. 

This invasion now burdens the resources of cities who never budgeted for the influx. Cities whose own citizens struggle, as the government gives immigrants free housing, food, healthcare, clothing and money. Who wouldn’t come, and why does the government allow it?

I observed the immense divide in this country grow deeper. It was fed by the vaxed/non-vaxed, race, politics, the border, inflation and sadly, abortion.

It didn’t matter what facts you had or documents that were published and reviewed by scholars. If those who opposed you didn’t believe the facts, then you were a bigot, racist, homophobic, or whatever the current euphemism was.  It was common to be shouted at so loudly, that you and your voice became invisible, and that is what they wanted.  Us to be silent. 

I do remember reading about something similar in a country called Germany circa 1933.

I believed the FDA was there to protect us, but they allowed chemicals to be added to our foods. The FDA working hand-in-hand with pharmaceutical companies; they create the illness, and pharma creates a pill to treat the illness and so on and so on.

I’ve watched healthy happy children turn into zombies by social media and fed a non-stop flow of rubbish about their sexuality and how they can pick whatever gender they like.  Gender dysphoria is no longer a disease, rather it’s a trend. We need to “accept” instead of treat.  It’s an excuse to mutilate our youth to avoid the growing pains of puberty.  An entire generation disfigured and on drugs for the rest of their lives, as we sit back and watch, afraid to be called out as “unaccepting.”  We would never have left a generation of anorexics or bulimics destroy their bodies by allowing them to purge until they died….

We’re asked to believe what is reported by “every” MSM outlet, yet days, weeks and even years later they say, “oops we made a mistake.”  “Sorry you used our “opinions” to change the course of the world, yeah it was wrong, our bad. You’re too busy to research anything so we’ll tell you how to think.”

Some of the questions I’ve asked of my “changed” self…

1. Why was benzene used in sunscreens which is known to cause cancer?

2. Why are there antibiotics, antifungals (Natamycin) and wood fibers (cellulose) used in our food? Why do food products made for the European market have basic ingredients and no additives, but in America the FDA approves the additives for the SAME DAMN FOOD.

3. Why are they still using Chlormequat and Glyphosate on crops knowing the damage it does to humans.  Luckily, many states and countries have banned their use.

4. Why is the world trying to reduce our CO² when many scientists say this is a bad idea which will reduce plant life, animals and oh, humans?  Yep, humans…

5. Why are dishwashing pods and clothes soap encased in “plastics?” “While the plastic components of these pods may dissolve to an extent, plastic waste remains a global concern, with long-lasting harmful effects on our environment.”  Besides they gunk up the piping.

Don’t even get me started on PFAS – polyfluoroalkyl substances. They’re in EVERYTHING!

6. Why did childhood vaccines go from 5 doses in 1962 to 72 doses in 2019 (most of which are given before the age of 6). This list doesn’t even include the infamous Rona vaxes. To be honest, the chart from the CDC is so overwhelming, it even includes a Dengue Fever shot, which I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t give my child anyway.  Someday the truth will come out regarding vaccines, hopefully soon. 

7. Why must we seed the clouds?  States are banning flyovers to stop poisoning the water, dirt and air.  Quit trying to control Mother Nature. 

Arizona, if you don’t want the temps to keep climbing, stop replacing fields and trees with buildings and roads.  Hard surfaces absorb the heat and create their own weather pattern!

9.  Why are the youth today so uninformed?  Why do they hate America? Why are they so angry and confused?  Why are they so depressed and full of anxiety?  Have they been given everything and not worked for anything? Has living in a world without the fear of losing their lives or homes due to war warped their sense of reality?  Has social media created jealousy, self-centeredness, and poor impulse control?  Have the parents failed these children?

Yes, yes they have…

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.” ― G. Michael Hopf

10.  Why is our country quickly becoming a socialistic society?  I don’t believe in the idea of socialism which IS a precursor to communism.  So many died to keep communism from taking over America. Do we just disregard their ultimate sacrifices to protect us? 

I do believe in equality and the freedoms given to us by God and our Constitutional Republic.  Equality does not equal equity, never has, never will.  Do a little research on equity and socialism…

Equality means equal treatment, unbiased competition and impartially judged outcomes. Equity means equal outcomes, achieved if necessary by unequal treatment, biased competition and preferential judging.”

11.  Why is ending a life via abortion a sticking point on electing the next president?  It’s unfathomable to me.  Many had no bodily autonomy when it came to the ‘Rona vax but ending a life that you had a part in creating, is bodily autonomy… make it make sense.

Many can’t have children naturally, so they try IVF. I think about how those parents must feel seeing how easily it is to end the life of a precious child, they can only dream of having.

I believe that the unborn are living beings, which sadly is an unpopular thing to say today, but, daughter, when I look into your eyes, I can’t imagine ending your life just because a law said I “could.”

12.  Why does something like 113 countries require an ID to vote but here in the good ‘ole USA we don’t need one? Citizens have precious rights, correct? We’ve paid our dues (taxes) correct? Or, no?

13.  Why are the rules in the Constitution and its amendments taken as “just a suggestion” rather than the rule of the land?

14.  Why do we casually accept everyone lying about everything?

15. Why do we need to genetically modify mosquito’s? And why all of a sudden are there so many cases of the rare EEE (Eastern equine encephalitis) caused from mosquito showing up? Coincidence?

Aren’t mosquitos assholes enough without being modified? FFS

Many people have had their eyes opened in the last four years.  We’re not bigots, racists, homophobes or un-accepting. If you’re not a Liberal you’re considered MAGA, quite the dirty word in many circles. Can’t we just have conservative beliefs? Why ya gotta name call?

We don’t have privilege as we’ve all worked our butts off and many of us couldn’t go to college, because we couldn’t afford the cost.  Yep, we didn’t agree to loans we knew we couldn’t pay back. A concept, I know.

There are many of us who still believe in God, marriage as a partnership, having children, working hard for what we want, helping those we can and living a happy and fulfilling life.  We have gay friends, straight friends and cowboy friends. We all sin and make mistakes, and hopefully we learn from them and ask forgiveness. 

We want to believe that the government is not trying to poison and kill us all.  I mean someone needs to pay their salaries, right?

We want to believe we matter and that we’re not disposable. To eat healthy food, drink clean water, wash with uncontaminated soap products and breathe air that is not tainted with a stream of chemicals emanating from a fly over.  We want to own a home.  We want to feel safe when we leave our homes and need to believe the hefty taxes we pay go to our protection and not that of every foreign country.

We really want secured and vetted borders.  Seriously, why is this even a talking point?  (See Title 8, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.), or Section 275 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) for the exact statutory language. It’s against the law…

Borders are central to international order and peace, and they define states as part of the international system.”  – Foreign Policy Research Institute

We follow the rules set up by a civil society. Is it too much to expect the government (local and federal) to do the same by punishing those who commit crimes, so it becomes a deterrent to commit another crime? When did it become ok to do whatever you want? If I stole something or beat someone up, I’d for sure be arrested and taken to jail – FOR SURE. (Who are we kidding? I couldn’t beat anybody up!)

I’ve tried to attach as many references as I always do, so you don’t think I’m making this stuff up.  But I invite you to join me in that lovely rabbit hole and research sites, government documents, and the effects of vaxes in the VAERS data. Search out doctors who were silenced during covid, the ones who had success treating their patients so they wouldn’t die in hospitals.  Look at studies about the mutilation of youth today.  Find out what is in the foods you eat, the cleaning products you use and ask questions…

Ask questions!!!

So, my lovely daughter, these are a few of the things that changed me.  But don’t despair…

I do have hope and believe in goodness and kindness.

I do believe in freedom and nature and laughter.

I do believe people can work to make a change in their lives. 

I will try to be less of a rabbit-holey person and be a kinder person showing more love and grace, I promise.

So stay your beautiful, inquisitive self and don’t worry about me.  I share my thoughts and points in social media because I don’t want to look back one day and say…

I should have told them, warned them, helped them because, I cared about them.

Grateful for you,

Love you, Momma

Prayers for this World

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I heard the song Prayers for this World by Pentatonix and started crying while I was driving this week.  I thought many of you, like me, have been carrying around heavy hearts with all that has happened in the past few years.  (I invite you to listen to the link before you continue reading – sorry if it has commercials).

Picture by Ric Rodrigues

I sat and made a list of things I pray for daily. After writing them down, it dawned on me that every one of the burdens that are affecting humanity are encapsulated in the Seven Deadly Sins

Now, I’m no saint, FAR from it, but many intelligent adults can see what is happening in the world and feel completely helpless to stop it. 

Can you relate any of these “seven sins” to current events, i.e.  sexually explicit story hours, trying to eliminate puberty from our youth, the health crisis of obesity, the lack of desire to work, re-igniting of race wars, comparing our lives on social media, and a “one world order”?

  1. Lust = is a strong passion or longing, especially for sexual desires.
  2. Gluttony = is excessive and ongoing eating of food or drink.
  3. Greed = is an excessive pursuit of material goods.
  4. Sloth = is excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents.
  5. Wrath = is a strong anger and hate towards another person.
  6. Envy = is the intense desire to have an item that someone else possesses.
  7. Pride = is an excessive view of oneself without regard for others.

The article that explained these sins also listed out the virtues that can cure them:

  1. Chastity or self-control = cures lust by controlling passion and leveraging that energy for the good of others.
  2. Temperance = cures gluttony by implanting the desire to be healthy, therefore making one fit to serve others.
  3. Charity or love = cures greed by putting the desire to help others above storing up treasure for [oneself].
  4. Diligence or Zeal = cures slothfulness by placing the best interest of others above the life of ease and relaxation.
  5. Patience = cures wrath by taking time to understand the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking.
  6. Kindness = cures envy by placing the desire to help others above the need to supersede them.
  7. Humility = cures pride by removing one’s ego and boastfulness, therefore allowing the attitude of service.

A list of sins was given to us a gazillion years ago by Pope Gregory I, around 600 AD. Did we forget them, or did we choose to ignore them?

We were also given the cure for the sins a gazillion years ago, but do we have the strength to carry them out now?

Where are the teachers to teach us how to avoid or cure these sins?  Are they us? Are we supposed to be the teachers, or are we depending on some other human to do it for us?  How’d that work out?

Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s the Baby, born in a manger

The One who is fresh and new.

The One who can remind us how heavy the burden of sin can be.

Here is a list of things I pray for all the time:

(One of the last prayers is that my list will be eliminated someday.)

I Pray for the children – who have their innocence ripped from them by being trafficked, abused, and tortured.

I Pray for ALL trafficked humans who cross our border and throughout the world.

I Pray for the homeless created by greed.

I Pray corrupt governments will be replaced with individuals who listen to the people who elected them and pay their wages.

I Pray for the deaths caused by coerced medical treatments and doctors who have closed their eyes to it.

I Pray for the end of senseless wars.

I Pray for the softening of hearts regarding race, religion, and wealth. That people will listen to their hearts and not how they are told to think.

I Pray we stop indoctrinating our children through schools and social media.

I Pray for our economy and the poorest of us who are forgotten.

I Pray that respect, honor, and responsibility will once again be taught to children.

I Pray that lying will become the exception, not the rule.

I Pray for all those affected by illegal immigration.

I Pray that companies that still produce products with life-threatening ingredients have an awakening of conscience.

I Pray for all the businesses who are stolen from, by groups of greedy humans. That law and order will be restored by teaching consequences.

And lastly…I Pray people look to God and less to themselves and the seven deadly sins for answers.

Grateful for you and a time to reflect.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours,


Happy 247th Birthday America! 

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Happy 247th Birthday America!!!

Been thinking about sharing my very own Declaration of Independence. Thought today would be a good day to put it in my blog!

I will believe, as I have always believed, that you can be or do what you want, just don’t shove it down my throat.

I will not be placing undying trust in the CDC, FDA, or medical professionals as I once did.  I will question and research.  I will listen to doctors that are silenced by the media.  They won my respect as most of what they were silenced for, was the truth, regarding covid and its treatment.

I will wait patiently for an apology from the CDC and medical professionals on why they prohibited known cures, like ivermectin and hydroxy, while people were dying by the thousands in hospitals.  They can add a P.S. to that apology as to how their vax and boosters didn’t actually work and are causing quite a spike in deaths now. 

Create a disease to treat a disease?

I will not be calling anyone by pronouns.

I will continue to support the protection of women-only sports, bathrooms, and shower areas.  Whatever happened to the women of the 60’s who worked so hard for “biological” woman’s rights?  

I can’t believe I even have to say, “protect women-only spaces.”

I do not support the chemical and physical castration of children.   When these tiny humans are adults, let them do what they want.  Until that time, treat them and their parents with counseling for this social contagion – gender dysphoria – that has attacked our youth. 

A town close to me is raising the age to buy tobacco products to 21 and you need to be 18 to get a tattoo, yet you can take puberty blockers at the age of 8 – make this make sense.

Follow the group — Gays Against Groomers — their messages are mainly posted on Instagram. They actually do make sense regarding this subject.

I will not support the fact that there are more than two genders – XX and XY. Nope, you can’t make me….

I will support the banning of books from school libraries that describe explicit sex acts between children, either same sex or different.  I’m sorry, I would not want my child, either straight or gay, reading those books.  The minds of children are NOT ready for some things, let them be children.  

And so seated next to my father in the train compartment, I suddenly asked, “Father, what is sexsin?”
He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing. At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case off the floor and set it on the floor.
“Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?” he said.
I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with the watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.
“It’s too heavy,” I said.
“Yes,” he said, “and it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It’s the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.” The Hiding Place – Corrie Ten Boom

I still support coming into the country legally, as many, many people have done.  (Oh, and please don’t speak to me about vaccinations, any vaccinations.  Those who enter the country illegally, do not need to be vaccinated, correct?)

I will support the groups that end child trafficking and will support everything to do with ending pedophilia in this society, which includes releasing the Epstein client list. Links are below:

The Tim Tebow Foundation

Operation Underground Railroad

I will continue to believe in God and the ten simple rules he handed down.  It appears many have forgotten them or may have chosen not to teach them to their children.

I will continue to support putting criminals in jail – sorry not sorry.  Just as we should raise our children, there are consequences for your actions.  And for cities who have defunded their police departments, or vote for no-bond laws, is this the outcome you wanted?

I will continue to believe that our voting system should be one vote, per person, in person with an ID on the day of the election.  It seems that France went back to this practice, as well as other developed countries, because of the problems with fraud.

I will not forget how the unvaccinated were treated and humiliated.  This is burned into my heart forever as I am one of them.

I will continue to question the whole “green” movement.  If you’re not going to figure out plastic recycling, then don’t shove an electric car down my throat.  Please world, listen to scientists on both sides of the climate issue or any issue.  

You’ll find it very informative and surprising.

I will not support the next “groupthink” issue, i.e. BLM, Antifa, Climate Change and now the Trans movement, until you show me that any new movement is actually helping society versus destroying it. If you can do that, then I’ll hop on board.

I will continue to question local and federal governments that enable the addiction or mental illness of citizens which continues to add to the homeless problem. Street People of LA document life on the streets of LA that you will not see on the news.

I will not stop questioning our government as to why billions are sent overseas without an accounting of the distribution, but I need to account for things I might sell at a Farmers Market.

I will continue to support the 1st Amendment even though I might not like what you say or even if you’re making it up.  I mean we’ve been listening to MSM for years. What percentage of what they say is actually true?

I will continue to believe that there is a need for term limits for our elected officials. The government has lost ALL credibility with me. You campaign on what you believe we want to hear and do whatever the hell you want, when elected. We had no say on shutting down our pipelines, allowing nearly 3,000,000 illegals to cross the border, and sending almost $81,000,000,000 to Ukraine. Dear government, that $81 Billion was not yours to send, it was ours. We didn’t get to vote on that…

I will not thank the government that a gallon of $6.00 gas has dropped $.20 when the same gallon of gas, four years ago, was $2.60 a gallon.

I will believe in my heart that most people are good.  I don’t care what color you are, what sex you are, where you’re from, what religion you practice or what political party you support.  If you can have an open discussion of your beliefs without punching someone in the face, I’m here for the talk.

I will not support 15-minute cities and will continue to believe that fossil fuels and nuclear power can be used wisely. Where do all the electric batteries go when they stop working? What goes into making those batteries in the first place? Just some of the things I think about…

I will continue to believe that the United States is the last bastion of freedom, because capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than socialism – it’s a fact. People need to take pride in what they’ve worked hard for and not have the government spoon feed them anymore.

I do not and will never support ESG (Environmental, Social and Government) scoring. Good example, Black Water Series, Season 3, Episode 1 – Nosedive – Netflix.

I will fly the American flag, daily, with pride and honor.  My family and I have been blessed to live in a country where many of my family served to protect it. 

I will not forget what a privilege it is to live in a country where the citizens will fight to keep the freedoms that were given to them, by God, and supported by the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights for the past 247 years.

It’s your 247th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday America!

Grateful for you and Freedom,



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It’s a few days before Christmas, and for now, the quiet is enjoyable.  I’ve decorated, sent out the cards and the gifts are all wrapped. The food and drink menus are set. All that’s left is to fill this place up with humans.

A picture of Joy in my Life

Our adult children and our first grandchild will all be here on Friday. Their Aunt and Uncle will be joining us, this year, for the festivities. It will be a nice addition!

I have observed so many things this past year.  Things that brought up a lot of emotions:  anger, frustration, fear, and Joy.  But tonight, I’m going to share the Joy. The rest of those feelings, I can share with you later.

We’re in the house of our dreams which brings us immense Joy!

We’ve had friends and family visit to share in our Joy.

Our family was blessed with our first grandchild, the definition of Joy.

We’ve been blessed to live close to Jeff’s brother-in-law and sister while they navigate his illness.  Helping them brings us Joy.

We’ve also heard from so many people this year about their Joys. Their new life journeys, new grandbabies, new homes, new jobs, and weddings. For those who are gone, our memories of them should also bring us Joy.

If you’ve felt throughout the year that some of your Joy has been taken from you and you’ve had zero control over it, here’s what I believe…

I believe Christmas was chosen to be at the end of the year. It’s celebrated at this time to replenish all the Joy that’s been taken from us throughout the year. 

We are meant to let go of the fear, the anger, the sadness and replace it with the Joy from a very small gift.  The gift is the baby, in a manger, who was sent to take away our fears, our anger and our sadness.

This gift enhances the lights we look at. It creates emotions to the carols we listen to. And it warms our hearts at the laughter of family and friends. Our JOY “tanks” are filled during Christmas. Filled with the Joy given to us by that special little baby.

Grateful for you and wishing you a Joyful and a Merry Christmas,


 P.S. My favorite song about that Joy-filled baby “Mary, Did You Know”